Wow, that was as bad as I was afraid it
would be.
I was stuck in the chair Wednesday,
listening to the V.I. Senate on the web, from 10 a.m. to about 7:30
p.m. Then I had to convert the 6,300 words of notes into a story. I
think I was finished with everything around 11 p.m. I apologized to the
editor by paraphrasing Clemens – I'm sorry I wrote such a long
story, but I didn't have time to write a short one. The story is here but you don't want to read it, trust me. Although the part where the
senator started singing "I Will Survive" was kinda funny.
I did get a little Scurvy Dogs! work
done. At one point the political jpalaver was driving me crazy so I
finished up the chapter I was working on. Didn't miss a thing.
Today will be better. I've got some
interruptions coming during the day, but I expect I'll be able to get
some work done on the book.
I've got a reporter from some magazine
in the UK calling at 11 for a Talk Like a Pirate Day story. It's that
time of year again, when they start calling. It begins with the print
media, which have longer deadlines, then switches to radio in early
Sepatmber. Two years in a row, Cap'n Slappy and I did 80 radio
interviews in a 30-hour stretch.
I'm not a prima donna, or even a
secondary donna. (Is that a thing? It should be a thing.)
But in the meantime I'll get to work on
Scirvy Dogs. Have 11 days to finish.
I'm also thinking about taking part in NaNoWriMo this year. Have an idea in mind for that that might work,
but the timing has to be right. Finishing Scurvy Dogs!, then probably
reworking Chance. If I have that done by the end of October – and have any brains left – we'll
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