Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Falling into routine

Summer is tricky, because the whole family is home and I have to mesh my schedule with theirs. Especially since we have always been night people. During the school year of course we can't sleep in completely, but during the summer we let nature take it's course. The night time doesn't frighten us and we'll often be up 'til 2 or 3, and then not wake 'til 11 or so.

But that doesn't really work for me. Don't get me wrong – I'd rather be asleep right now. But I've been making myself get up at 8 because I've got the house more or less to myself for a couple of hours. Make coffee, catch up on the news, and then get to work. In the morning I've been working on the movie treatment (which I think will be a terrific.) Break around noon or a little after, by which time the rest of the family is up.  That's the time for errands and things. THen spend the afternoon editing the other project I'm working on.

It's still early – school's been out here for 10 days – but so far it seems to be working for me. Making progress on both.

Now I have to work in the third summer project. Max had an idea for a story and I'm holding him to it. This summer he's going to write that book, under my pushy supervision. And watch, it'll be an instant hit.

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